Last day was still has not hit me. I mean, graduation IS in six days and we still have the slideshow, the picnic, the rehearsals, and all that useless stuff. I was thinking about bringing a blow-up something, but I am probably not.
This year's senior pranks were terrible. We had two fails, and two idiotic actions. We had the pennies that were unsuccessfully glued to the key holes of the outside school doors. There was the non-original water balloon prank, which sucked. There was the non-original writing on cars, and there was also the failed prank with the whole eggs thrown at the doors that lead into the gym foyer from the outside. That prank just made the gym foyer smell like wet dog for three days. WTF 2009? Let's get this done. Whatever...I shouldn't be complaining because I am not doing anything. THere is, however, the other prank that is hopefully being brewed. The one that involves Corbin's van. I really hope they pull through on that one! There are good Corbin times and bad corbin times. Mostly bad though. He has way too much power.
Anyways...beach week is in a little over a week, and I am REALLY excited. Got to go...for the last time! Dinner!
PEACE (forever)... :(
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Senior Post #3
Am I looking forward to next year? Not really. Unfortunately, I am not really looking forward to it. I do not like being thrown into something that I do not know, or that I am not familiar with. So, in the end, it may be a good thing that I am going to Virginia Tech because there will be so many Herndon people there that I can hang with. I also know some people already going there. I am in the predicament in which I do not know if I want to do marching band. I feel like if I do not, I will miss it too much. So, it may be worth it. The downside is that I have never marched in my life, and they do not have a pit. This may not bode well for me.
As for partying, I am not much of a partier. I hate drinking or smoking or anything like that. I feel that I can wait until I am 21 and the feeling will be that much sweeter. And plus, why drink just to get drunk and throw up? Sure it may relax you, but shows self-control to wait and follow the law. Now I say this, but this may change next year. I will try to not let that happen. I repsect myself for being able to say no and choose what I want to do without anyone else choosing for me. I really hope that I am going into this whole thing not knowing that college will be the best years of my life. I just do not like change all that much, even though it is just a part of life. We will have to see. I do, however, plan on doing some swimming club or something like that next year. I really hope that I am just looking at this whole situation the wrong way and that I will love my college years.
As for partying, I am not much of a partier. I hate drinking or smoking or anything like that. I feel that I can wait until I am 21 and the feeling will be that much sweeter. And plus, why drink just to get drunk and throw up? Sure it may relax you, but shows self-control to wait and follow the law. Now I say this, but this may change next year. I will try to not let that happen. I repsect myself for being able to say no and choose what I want to do without anyone else choosing for me. I really hope that I am going into this whole thing not knowing that college will be the best years of my life. I just do not like change all that much, even though it is just a part of life. We will have to see. I do, however, plan on doing some swimming club or something like that next year. I really hope that I am just looking at this whole situation the wrong way and that I will love my college years.
Senior Blog Post #2
Prom... says:
a formal dance, esp. one held by a high school or college class at the end of an academic year
Congratulations have fulfilled the defenition of Prom according to
This year's prom was better than last years, I must say. However, it was not better when it came to the music department. Again this year, we had DJ Butta. He sucked. He should not have persued a career as a DJ. Who likes him? I hated him SO much. Everyone that I talked to hated him too. He would stop songs after one measure or refrain. Sure he played the cha cha slide, but still. He also played the electric slide...which was a stupid Idea. The establishment this year, however, WAS better than lasts year. But, I think I would rather have had the same price of a prom ticket from last year and go to the same place that we had it at last year than pay more to have it at a marriot. But, for the class of 2010's sake, it was a nice place. It was kind of funny because Dominion High School was having their prom on the floor above us. What an interesting development! People from our school were trying to go to their prom, and people from their school were trying to go to our prom. It was kind of funny. One of the stupid rules they had was that girls, or anyone for that matter, could not have their shoes off outside the ball room. What Nazis! was good. But, yes this year's prom was better than last year's, thank goodness!
PEACE... says:
a formal dance, esp. one held by a high school or college class at the end of an academic year
Congratulations have fulfilled the defenition of Prom according to
This year's prom was better than last years, I must say. However, it was not better when it came to the music department. Again this year, we had DJ Butta. He sucked. He should not have persued a career as a DJ. Who likes him? I hated him SO much. Everyone that I talked to hated him too. He would stop songs after one measure or refrain. Sure he played the cha cha slide, but still. He also played the electric slide...which was a stupid Idea. The establishment this year, however, WAS better than lasts year. But, I think I would rather have had the same price of a prom ticket from last year and go to the same place that we had it at last year than pay more to have it at a marriot. But, for the class of 2010's sake, it was a nice place. It was kind of funny because Dominion High School was having their prom on the floor above us. What an interesting development! People from our school were trying to go to their prom, and people from their school were trying to go to our prom. It was kind of funny. One of the stupid rules they had was that girls, or anyone for that matter, could not have their shoes off outside the ball room. What Nazis! was good. But, yes this year's prom was better than last year's, thank goodness!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
4th Quarter Blog Post #4

So this past weekend was the opening weekend for Pixar's new movie, UP. It did was in second when it came to the money that it gained. This movie is another great production from i've heard. I have also heard that it had a sad ending. But there was also rejoicing! That made me happy. The movie did not do so well here in the US, but after it goes overseas, it is expected to do well. All the other Pixar movies have made a bulk of their money from overseas. The Incredibles, Finding Nemo, Toy Story, A Bug's Life, and Cars were all Pixar productions. All have been on the top lists of animated movies and have been able to compete with other important pictures. Disney own Pixar and they have been partners for many years. I am going to watch this movie. I must admit that I judged Cars before I ever saw it. After I saw it, I must admit that I enjoyed it. There has not been a Pixar movie that I have not enjoyed yet...! KEEP 'EM COMING!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
4th Quarter Blog Post #3

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
4th Quarter Blog Post #2
This week's article is not as exciting. It has to do with a new website that was created by some company somewhere in the grand US. It is called This website makes it THAT much easier for children to try to get something from their parents. As if children already do not have enough resources to try to put their parents more in debt, this new website comes along. This website allows children who find something that they like (on selected websites) and are able to send a type of link to the parent's e-mail addresses make up the concept. The parent has the choice to either deny or actually accept the child's request. All the parent has to do is click a button. If having trouble making the decision, the parent can read a little blurb that is sent with the e-mail that is written by the child. This little area is there for the child to be able to explain why they need this certain item, or try to persuade their parents to get them this money. is not done yet. They plan to add a choice of giving the child a weekly allowance. WHOAH. I think that children today are too spoiled, and this website just makes it easier for children to become spoiled. This bothers me. The internet is a wonderful thing, unless it spoils children!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
4th Quarter Blog Post #1
This week's article was about a guy named Tyler Frost from Ohio, who was suspended because he went to his girlfriend's prom. He is not alowed to walk with his graduating class of 4 too. BTW...he attends a christian school in Ohio that does not believe in rock music an dancing. His dad was not happy, so he made a tiff, but lost.
WHOAH...rewind...WTF? How can this school tell one of their students what they can and can't do in their free time? Is that illegal? If it is, someone say something! Does anyone else think that this is kind of like Footloose? Another question, why would his parents pay money so he could go to this backwards school and get suspended when there are perfectly good public schools that are free of charge? I am sure that they are now kicking themselves in the butt because they were stupid. I do not believe in trading in a child's social life for education. That is bogus. There are jobs out there that do not really require an education, but all of them require social skills. This bogus rule can damage these students in the long run. All the parents with children at this school need to realize that the school does not know when to stop at its boundaries. The principal of the public school said that he did not agree with the private school's rules, but respected their decision. If this private school could get into the year of 2009 where the american culture and religion of christianity are mixed, that'd be great for those few hundred students at that school. This is making me stress, I beter stoo, or i'll be getting premature grays!!!
WHOAH...rewind...WTF? How can this school tell one of their students what they can and can't do in their free time? Is that illegal? If it is, someone say something! Does anyone else think that this is kind of like Footloose? Another question, why would his parents pay money so he could go to this backwards school and get suspended when there are perfectly good public schools that are free of charge? I am sure that they are now kicking themselves in the butt because they were stupid. I do not believe in trading in a child's social life for education. That is bogus. There are jobs out there that do not really require an education, but all of them require social skills. This bogus rule can damage these students in the long run. All the parents with children at this school need to realize that the school does not know when to stop at its boundaries. The principal of the public school said that he did not agree with the private school's rules, but respected their decision. If this private school could get into the year of 2009 where the american culture and religion of christianity are mixed, that'd be great for those few hundred students at that school. This is making me stress, I beter stoo, or i'll be getting premature grays!!!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Senior Blog Post #1

HAHA...oh those Canadians! Yes, this cartoon is from Canada. Here we have the obvious dead tourist from Mexico. North America is all too familiar with these kinds of tourists. Even though this epidemic is almost over, this cartoon is still really funny. However, apparently Mexico is so awesome that you still smile even when you are dead. What an awesome experience! But, apparently this whole Swine Flu thing was just an overeaction. There were the people who were really scared, and the others who were not threatened at all. I can't stop laughing right now as I listen to Poker Face and look at this skeleton above. Now THAT is an awesome poker face! Thank god that this thing is practically over. This cartoon is still funny though...those canadians got some funny people!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Current Event Editorial #5
Should Obama go ahead and close down Guantanamo Bay? I actually don't think he should. Where would all the prisoners that are there go? If that could be cleared up, maybe I would accept his proposal. But, according to the news, it will cost some amount of money to do so and it is actually effective. I do not understand the reason behind this. Sure it cost money and prisoners have been treated badly in the past, but its ok. Seriously. We need to just keep this thing going and make sure the bad guys don't get out and continue to plunder and pillage the any more establishments. They are being treated better and it keeps these terrorists from doing any other harm to any other nation. Maybe we are doing other nations a favor with Guantanamo Bay. We just need to keep it up!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Current Event Editorial #4
How would you react if you were forced to get up later for the school day? How would you react if your whole day's activities had to be rearranged in the next school year? Well fairfax county had their meeting on monday, and they deicded that the idea was not worth putting into effect. The board decided that they did not full think things through. The funny thing is, that they are the ones who wrote it up in the first place. Apparently, they have a weak spot. I thought the idea was stupid in the first place. All hell would break loose if this were to happen. They believe that students would go to bed at the same time if the times were to change, but they are wrong. About 80% of the students would stay up later and get just as much sleep at night. I really have no idea what these people think that they are trying to do. STOP TRYING TO BE LIKE ERVERYONE ELSE. I enjoy my after school activities and gettting home at a decent hour. If the hours were to change (even though I won't be here next year) then after school activities would go completely out of whack...I don't want that to happen, do you?
Friday, March 6, 2009
Current Event Editorial #3
Question: Should D.C have the right to vote in congress? Well...apparently the government thinks so. The legislation to give D.C. a representative in congress has passed the Senate. However, there is a tag-along with this bill. Utah gets another congress person and D.C. will not be allowed to control its own gun situation. Do those really go together? I think not. The utah thing, sure, but the whole gun thing does not. Personally, I don't think that D.C. should get a congress member. I don't understand the reasoning. New York City is larger than D.C., yet they don't get a representative. If we give D.C. some voting righs, should we also give indian reservations voting rights in vongress too? It is a city. Sure its a district, but COME ON...its a district. There is reasoning in that last sentence. The NRA has threatened and flexed their muscles at the latter of the part of the bill. After I read that the NRA was saying something, I scoffed. I personally do not like the NRA. They are really an organization that bullies everyone around. They bullied Bart Stupak from Michigan and threatened to not allow him to get re-elected. Seriously...stop being stupid and put all your energy that you put into threatening, into something productive. Arts and crafts may be a better use of you energy. This issue makes me really mad. I just don't get some people's reasoning!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Current Event Editorial #2
Should people who commit domestic violence still be allowed to keep their hanguns? Apparently Maryland is starting to think twice about their policy on this issue. This state is trying to pass legislation that will automatically take away any firearm that a person who has committed any type of domestic violence. According to statistics, a majority of deaths from domestic violence are a result from a gun. California, North Carolina, and Virginia have this type of legislation or one similar to it. The author of this week's article realy put no bias to this legislation. However, I feel he/she feels that it is necessary.
I feel that this legislation is needed. I an more of a pro-gun control person. Sure, this domestic violence problem can still continue with other weapons, but it is probably unlikely. There is really no fighting against the statistics and facts of domestic violence. People who are charged with this crime have a high chance of doing it again and with a gun. After a death of a family on Thanksgiving a few years ago, this legislation got a push. A man ended up killing his wife, three children, and himself. If this legislation were to stop things like this from happening, then I say go at it 100%. However, there are still those people who bring the 2nd amendment into play with this issue. But seriously, its either taking away guns or taking people out of houses in body bags. Anyone who does not agree with this legislation based on the 2nd amendment really make me angry. GET OVER IT! It is 2009 and this amendment is not really relevant when it comes to these issues. The purpose of the government is to protect its citizens. I highly doubt that any legislature would deny passing this bill since it will def protect many citizens.
my thoughts...
I feel that this legislation is needed. I an more of a pro-gun control person. Sure, this domestic violence problem can still continue with other weapons, but it is probably unlikely. There is really no fighting against the statistics and facts of domestic violence. People who are charged with this crime have a high chance of doing it again and with a gun. After a death of a family on Thanksgiving a few years ago, this legislation got a push. A man ended up killing his wife, three children, and himself. If this legislation were to stop things like this from happening, then I say go at it 100%. However, there are still those people who bring the 2nd amendment into play with this issue. But seriously, its either taking away guns or taking people out of houses in body bags. Anyone who does not agree with this legislation based on the 2nd amendment really make me angry. GET OVER IT! It is 2009 and this amendment is not really relevant when it comes to these issues. The purpose of the government is to protect its citizens. I highly doubt that any legislature would deny passing this bill since it will def protect many citizens.
my thoughts...
Friday, February 13, 2009
Current Event Editorial #1
This week, we have a doozey. I found this editorial on the washington post website and it talked about teachers, and their salaries. It mention Anne Arundel county and how they posted their search for teachers on Route 50. However, it mentioned the fact that it was a bad billboard for the money that they paid. It said something along the lines of helping to teach the future. However, the many things that counties fail to mention, are the decen benefits that teachers recieve. They do not mention the possible wages that teachers COULD make if they were to actually apply and work for a while. After a while, the partonage adds up and is shown in the salary that the teachers get. The article brings up a god point. With teaching, there will be no impact from he receeding economy. Teachers are always in demand. Learning is not going to halt, so teachers are in good hands. The teaching profession is apparently in high demand in many places.
The author brings about a good point. If they were to just advertise the possibilities that can come with teaching, that wil recuit more teachers. I never knew that teachers got such good benefits. I would've known if SOMEONE would've advertised it. WTF? Let's get this show on the is kind of sad because the teacher force would be much larger if only they mentioned what the pssibilities were. But teachers also need better salaries...I mean come one...alright...i'm done...
The author brings about a good point. If they were to just advertise the possibilities that can come with teaching, that wil recuit more teachers. I never knew that teachers got such good benefits. I would've known if SOMEONE would've advertised it. WTF? Let's get this show on the is kind of sad because the teacher force would be much larger if only they mentioned what the pssibilities were. But teachers also need better salaries...I mean come one...alright...i'm done...
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Political Cartoon- Current Event #5

What its trying to say is that people are relying on Obama to do something about global warming. I believe in it and I don't understand how people can not believe in it. I don't understand the sketicism. Anyways...I still think that this is a clever cartoon. Even if it is not real (for the people who don't believe in it) we still have to do SOMETHING...this world can not keep on being our biatch...bad idea. Something needs done and Barack may be able to do it. YOU GO POLAR BEARS!!!
Friday, January 9, 2009
Political Cartoon- Current Event #4

This week's cartoon is kinda is making fun of Bush and what happened to him in Iraq. If you don't know (I hope that you do), sometime in December, Bush was attacked by shoes from an Iraqi reporter. I am pleased to say that he was not harmed and that he was able to dodge all two of them. He is my idol (not really)...he should go on American Gladiators. However, it also maes fun of the economy/brings the failing aconomy into perspective. I just kinda got a laught from it and I thought it would be an awesome cartoon for this week!... to do another current event!
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