Monday, December 15, 2008

Political Cartoon- Current Event #3

This week...we have a political cartoon that has Bush and Putin TRYING to shake hands. This was not published in the US, to the world knows what's up. Bush has tried many times to get along with Putin, even "seeing his soul", but nothing has gotten better. We are not moving in a forward direction, we are moving more in a backward direction. They have frozen in place. Their trying to create a good relation with each other has failed and is going no where. This is kinda funny and totally true. Those people from Norway really know their politics!!!...Perhaps with Obama, we can get things lifted off the ground with Russia. However a few weeks ago, Russia made a threatening statement towards the president-elect practically saying that if he was going to interfere with anything that has to do with Russia and its defense nukes in it, they were going to have a problem!...HEY...BACK OFF RUSSIA!!!


Monday, December 8, 2008

Political Cartoon- Current Event #2's this week's political cartoon!!!

haha...ain't that funny?

Ok...this cartoon has to do with the bailout for the car comapnies. It syas how congress is taking major control. It seems that this cartoon is trying to convey congress as a large, powerful, gross man that is weird. This dude has on american flag pants and flip-flops. WEIRD combination...!!...'s saying that congress has control. Because it has given so much money, these car companies are kinda at its mercy. To the executives, congress may be correctly portrayed in this pic. Congress may be kinda intimidating, especially when it has some leverage when it comes to the decisions of this company. WHAT has happened to the free market?...idk...whatever...I still kinda like this cartoon. I like it even though its hard to really make out the people in the car, but whatever!