Wednesday, May 27, 2009

4th Quarter Blog Post #3

Yes...this week's blog post has to do with the terminator franchise. I enjoy this franchise so much. This was one of the first movies that I was ever introduced to. In this week's article, I was able to find out a few things about the trilogy, and ultimately, the fourth movie. The second terminator was the first movie to have a $200 million budget. Also, in the movie, the woman who played Sarah Connor actually has a twin who plays in the movie too. Whenever the T 1000 took the form of Sarah, her twin ended up playing it. That was an interesting fact for the movie that interested me at such a young age. I read that they ahd to do voice overs for the guy who played John Connor because his voice got deeper by the end of filming. Also, the producers originally the producers wanted an average looking man to play the original terminator. When Arnold came in to read for the man who becomes John's father, they did not see him as such, and gave him the terminator role. The producers wanted the terminator to look like the T 1000 from the second terminator movie. I do not know why I enjoy this movie so much, but I do. Even though the thrid one was kind of bad, I still like to watch it from time to time! I have heard that the frouth one is pretty good and that there is an animation of the young arnold from the first movie, in the fourth movie. Apparently Arnold was too busy governing California to make an appearance in the movie! SWEEEEEEET!


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

4th Quarter Blog Post #2

This week's article is not as exciting. It has to do with a new website that was created by some company somewhere in the grand US. It is called This website makes it THAT much easier for children to try to get something from their parents. As if children already do not have enough resources to try to put their parents more in debt, this new website comes along. This website allows children who find something that they like (on selected websites) and are able to send a type of link to the parent's e-mail addresses make up the concept. The parent has the choice to either deny or actually accept the child's request. All the parent has to do is click a button. If having trouble making the decision, the parent can read a little blurb that is sent with the e-mail that is written by the child. This little area is there for the child to be able to explain why they need this certain item, or try to persuade their parents to get them this money. is not done yet. They plan to add a choice of giving the child a weekly allowance. WHOAH. I think that children today are too spoiled, and this website just makes it easier for children to become spoiled. This bothers me. The internet is a wonderful thing, unless it spoils children!


Thursday, May 14, 2009

4th Quarter Blog Post #1

This week's article was about a guy named Tyler Frost from Ohio, who was suspended because he went to his girlfriend's prom. He is not alowed to walk with his graduating class of 4 too. BTW...he attends a christian school in Ohio that does not believe in rock music an dancing. His dad was not happy, so he made a tiff, but lost.

WHOAH...rewind...WTF? How can this school tell one of their students what they can and can't do in their free time? Is that illegal? If it is, someone say something! Does anyone else think that this is kind of like Footloose? Another question, why would his parents pay money so he could go to this backwards school and get suspended when there are perfectly good public schools that are free of charge? I am sure that they are now kicking themselves in the butt because they were stupid. I do not believe in trading in a child's social life for education. That is bogus. There are jobs out there that do not really require an education, but all of them require social skills. This bogus rule can damage these students in the long run. All the parents with children at this school need to realize that the school does not know when to stop at its boundaries. The principal of the public school said that he did not agree with the private school's rules, but respected their decision. If this private school could get into the year of 2009 where the american culture and religion of christianity are mixed, that'd be great for those few hundred students at that school. This is making me stress, I beter stoo, or i'll be getting premature grays!!!


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Senior Blog Post #1

HAHA...oh those Canadians! Yes, this cartoon is from Canada. Here we have the obvious dead tourist from Mexico. North America is all too familiar with these kinds of tourists. Even though this epidemic is almost over, this cartoon is still really funny. However, apparently Mexico is so awesome that you still smile even when you are dead. What an awesome experience! But, apparently this whole Swine Flu thing was just an overeaction. There were the people who were really scared, and the others who were not threatened at all. I can't stop laughing right now as I listen to Poker Face and look at this skeleton above. Now THAT is an awesome poker face! Thank god that this thing is practically over. This cartoon is still funny though...those canadians got some funny people!