Thursday, June 11, 2009

Senior Blog #4

Last day was still has not hit me. I mean, graduation IS in six days and we still have the slideshow, the picnic, the rehearsals, and all that useless stuff. I was thinking about bringing a blow-up something, but I am probably not.
This year's senior pranks were terrible. We had two fails, and two idiotic actions. We had the pennies that were unsuccessfully glued to the key holes of the outside school doors. There was the non-original water balloon prank, which sucked. There was the non-original writing on cars, and there was also the failed prank with the whole eggs thrown at the doors that lead into the gym foyer from the outside. That prank just made the gym foyer smell like wet dog for three days. WTF 2009? Let's get this done. Whatever...I shouldn't be complaining because I am not doing anything. THere is, however, the other prank that is hopefully being brewed. The one that involves Corbin's van. I really hope they pull through on that one! There are good Corbin times and bad corbin times. Mostly bad though. He has way too much power.
Anyways...beach week is in a little over a week, and I am REALLY excited. Got to go...for the last time! Dinner!

PEACE (forever)... :(

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