haha...ain't that funny?
Ok...this cartoon has to do with the bailout for the car comapnies. It syas how congress is taking major control. It seems that this cartoon is trying to convey congress as a large, powerful, gross man that is weird. This dude has on american flag pants and flip-flops. WEIRD combination...!!...
Anyways...it's saying that congress has control. Because it has given so much money, these car companies are kinda at its mercy. To the executives, congress may be correctly portrayed in this pic. Congress may be kinda intimidating, especially when it has some leverage when it comes to the decisions of this company. WHAT has happened to the free market?...idk...whatever...I still kinda like this cartoon. I like it even though its hard to really make out the people in the car, but whatever!
Jim Gilmore:
Top Issues for Virginia Senate Race:
Recent Polls:
Recent polls show that Warner is leading Gilmore 60% to 34%
Polls from 2007 have had Warner leading Gilmore by double digits
At this point, I can not STAND Palin. Go back to Alaska you witch. No thanks, I do NOT want to go to war with Russia over freakin' Georgia. FOR all we know, she may think that RUssia invaded the state of Georgia. Also, before you go on running for V.P., please get you family straight. I'm sorry, you just had a baby. Last time I checked, it is MUY IMPORTANTE that a new born child sees BOTH its parents. How are you going to handle that when you are touring the nation?...plus, that is going to be one CORRUPTED kid. Imagine being 8 years old with a mother who is the V.P. of one of the world superpowers, and having that be the only thing you know. I don't know about you, but that SUCKS (just like the steelers)!!!...Put Palin back in her cage in Alaska and bring forth Obama and Biden...I don't care that Obama does not many years of experience. Umm...Kennedy didn't have many years of experience, but he wasn't that bad (from what I hear)...O yea...another thing about Palin...she doesn't want to teach about sex in schools...umm...ma'am...THAT'S WHY YOUR DAUGHTER IS PREGNANT AT 17...GEEZE, I absolutely HATE her...McCain just had to pull the woman card because Obama had the racial card...WTF MATE?...
Obama views vs. McCain Views
Obama want to get rid of the 'No Child Left Behind' (good)- McCain want to keep it (bad)
Obama want to find better forms of energy (good) and so does McCain (good)
It's about time I wrap this up...so PEACE!!!