Sunday, November 2, 2008

2008 Election Project- Week #6 (THE LAST)

here it is...the LAST election post...then it will come down to only one post a week for current events!!!

Alright...i'll leave the presidents for the last...


Wolf (10th)...because he has been in congress for 20+ years. People are happy with him and he is bound to leave sometime and THAT is when Feder can take the seat in the house...

Connolly (11th)...because, I have NO idea...I really don't know...that is NOT my district so I really haven't researched those candidates...bummer, right?


Without a doubt...Warner is going to win this...he is destroying Gilmore in the polls and he (to me) seems like a more honest person. Gilmore actually looks like a rat...I can't stand him. But, yes, it will be warner for the Senate...which I am happy for!!!


HERE WE GO...drum roll please...thank you...and the next PRESIDENT...def Obama. People are sick of republicans with Bush and blame the republicans for the economic conditions. Democrats are about to be the majority. I feel that the republican party is going to def going to be a minority within the next 5 decades...virginia bcame blue, and so did other toss up states. I'm sorry that us in the northern part of virginia are not real virginians OR real americans...that sucks...why are we voting then?...O NOT vote for the party that said that about us in NOVA...jerks...anyways...this is a stupid prediction with no science behind it...but obama will get 58% of the popular vote and umm...306 electoral need to bet on my predictions, however!!!




Ahsan M. said...

Yup ur guess match with mine too. i to think the demos are going to win in every race this year. i dont have much to say but after Tuesday, the reality will show us the public votes. then people can talk more clearly after seeing the results/

Melanie said...

Heck yes!! Democrats are going to rock this election!!!!! I agree with you all the way Tyler, have fun voting today!!!