Alright...this week's article is a doozy.
Turns out that today (Monday: 10/27/08), Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska was convicted of corruption. He was charged for having taken money from an oil industry executive's money in order to RENOVATE HIS HOUSE. Alright...not if I was going to take crap money, I would not spend it on MY HOUSE...dude...get your priorities straight. I hate how, even thought there aren't many, that there are corrupted officials in our government. It is stupid and should be stopped immediately. Some politicians need to wake up and realize "hey, I have people to represent and a country to help run...maybe I shouldn't kill this hooker!"...alright...maybe not that drastic.'s stupid and uncalled for. I would LOVE to have a word with the people who are corrupt enough as to put themselves before their district, state, or even country. What the freak happened?...where have all good polticians gone?
Monday, October 27, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Community Service Project #3 (THE LAST)
OH MAN...last blog post concerning my adventures with campaignin for Obama!!!
Whatever...this is overdue...
Well, on Wednesday (10/15) we went to volunteer for 2 hours (Carrie, Ronny, and I)...
We passed out flyers...and that went alright...but not great...We go a complaint from an old hag that worked at the Herndon Community Center. Apparently someone had complained to her because there was a flyer on their car. Excuse me, but there is a public park right by the Community BACK OFF...I can't stand some people today. Anyways...that's what we did...we tried great harvest and the guy there was also a jerk and a crap bag. The other places were pretty much successes...Starbucks, random parking lots, Bloom, and maybe somewhere else, but I forget.
Monday (10/20)- we did some phone calling...WHOOO HOOOO...
It started off really embarassing and awkward because they give you a script, and there is no way someone can read that thing withou sounding like it. That was kinda funny. Some people were nice (actually many people were pleasant)...and then there were the mean people that should just leave my town...they are so unpleasant and shouldn't be allowed any human contact. I'M SORRY MISS...I HAVE A JOB TO DO AND YOU'RE NOT MAKING IT ANY EASIER...I really wanted to say that but, that would shed bad light on obama...!!!...did NOT want to do that. ANyways, we got cool (I guess) cell phones to use. I broke mine. It was bad. However, they fixed it...thanks to mostly Ronny!!! Whatever, those phones were crap. Anyways...that is how we spent our last hours volunteering for the 2008 campaign. It was ok...but I think i'll just stick to voting...!!!...yay...
Whatever...this is overdue...
Well, on Wednesday (10/15) we went to volunteer for 2 hours (Carrie, Ronny, and I)...
We passed out flyers...and that went alright...but not great...We go a complaint from an old hag that worked at the Herndon Community Center. Apparently someone had complained to her because there was a flyer on their car. Excuse me, but there is a public park right by the Community BACK OFF...I can't stand some people today. Anyways...that's what we did...we tried great harvest and the guy there was also a jerk and a crap bag. The other places were pretty much successes...Starbucks, random parking lots, Bloom, and maybe somewhere else, but I forget.
Monday (10/20)- we did some phone calling...WHOOO HOOOO...
It started off really embarassing and awkward because they give you a script, and there is no way someone can read that thing withou sounding like it. That was kinda funny. Some people were nice (actually many people were pleasant)...and then there were the mean people that should just leave my town...they are so unpleasant and shouldn't be allowed any human contact. I'M SORRY MISS...I HAVE A JOB TO DO AND YOU'RE NOT MAKING IT ANY EASIER...I really wanted to say that but, that would shed bad light on obama...!!!...did NOT want to do that. ANyways, we got cool (I guess) cell phones to use. I broke mine. It was bad. However, they fixed it...thanks to mostly Ronny!!! Whatever, those phones were crap. Anyways...that is how we spent our last hours volunteering for the 2008 campaign. It was ok...but I think i'll just stick to voting...!!!...yay...
Monday, October 20, 2008
2008 Election Project- Week #5
So this blog will be all about the swing states...
The swing states will this election will be Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Colorado, New Jersey, Iowa, Minnesota, Oregon, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, Oregon, Washington, Wisconsin, Tennessee, New Mexico, and VIRGINIA!!!
Many of these states have been unpredictable for the elections, which is why they are considered swing states. States such as Virginia and Washington have normally voted Republican, but from recent polls, they have been leaning Democrat, causing an upset. Other states are on the border like Ohio. With Florida, there is a mix of the population, making it always a pivotal state. In Florida, there are many retirees and then there are many immigrants or naturalized citizens. This created an ideoligical clash between the two ideals.
New Jersey- this state is an interesting swing state. Since it is in the northeast, there is an assumption that it is liberal. This is, however, not the case. I think, though, that it will lean toward Obama because of a few variables. I think that people want change and they beleieve that change will not come with McCain as president. This will probably pursuade the independents and some republicans. Also, New York City is in that state and influences much of the state. Urban areas tend to be more liberal and that can possibly pursuade some states.
Virginia (the best state ever!)- Virginia is an interesting specimen. Virginia tends to lean more Republican in the past elections. This, however, may not be the case. Because of changing demographics, I feel that Virginia is going to lean towards Obama. People are ready for change and the newer voter generation in Virginia, I feel, tend to be more liberal with their views. However, soutehrn Virginia tends to be the region that goes conservative. The south mostly does this because it is very much in the south and is very agricultural. The agricultural regions tend to be conservative. However, in the Richmond area, there is a larger concentration of Obama supporters. Also, the VCU campus is located there, housing liberal college students. Notehrn VA tends to vote more liberal because of the massive concentration of immigrants and its large suburban demography. I think that the liberals are going to outdo the conservatives in this election. People want change and it probably won't come with McCain.
Ok THEN?...
The swing states will this election will be Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Colorado, New Jersey, Iowa, Minnesota, Oregon, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, Oregon, Washington, Wisconsin, Tennessee, New Mexico, and VIRGINIA!!!
Many of these states have been unpredictable for the elections, which is why they are considered swing states. States such as Virginia and Washington have normally voted Republican, but from recent polls, they have been leaning Democrat, causing an upset. Other states are on the border like Ohio. With Florida, there is a mix of the population, making it always a pivotal state. In Florida, there are many retirees and then there are many immigrants or naturalized citizens. This created an ideoligical clash between the two ideals.
New Jersey- this state is an interesting swing state. Since it is in the northeast, there is an assumption that it is liberal. This is, however, not the case. I think, though, that it will lean toward Obama because of a few variables. I think that people want change and they beleieve that change will not come with McCain as president. This will probably pursuade the independents and some republicans. Also, New York City is in that state and influences much of the state. Urban areas tend to be more liberal and that can possibly pursuade some states.
Virginia (the best state ever!)- Virginia is an interesting specimen. Virginia tends to lean more Republican in the past elections. This, however, may not be the case. Because of changing demographics, I feel that Virginia is going to lean towards Obama. People are ready for change and the newer voter generation in Virginia, I feel, tend to be more liberal with their views. However, soutehrn Virginia tends to be the region that goes conservative. The south mostly does this because it is very much in the south and is very agricultural. The agricultural regions tend to be conservative. However, in the Richmond area, there is a larger concentration of Obama supporters. Also, the VCU campus is located there, housing liberal college students. Notehrn VA tends to vote more liberal because of the massive concentration of immigrants and its large suburban demography. I think that the liberals are going to outdo the conservatives in this election. People want change and it probably won't come with McCain.
Ok THEN?...
Friday, October 17, 2008
Current Event #5
This week's current event is once again involving the election. It is about how if McCain or Obama win, they will have a large influence on the Supreme Court. Four justices are bound to be replaced, and the next president will be that person to nominate them. If McCain were to win, he would prbably nominate a conservative and if Obama were to win, he would probably pick liberals. However, this is a theory. I hope that this theory is totally untrue, or just can't happen. However, I feel that whoever is elected, they will base their decisions on the character of the nominee and not on their party affilliation. But, this issue still scares me. I certainly do not want a biased court that is the highest in the nation. That is pretty much B.S.! Let's hope their is still good in this world and that checks and balances will see this through. Thank goodness for those dead people who wrote the constitution. They go at least one thing right. However, that doesn't get rid of the fact that it is possible. Who knows, maybe as soon as one of the candidates wins the election, theyll grow a tail and some horns and make our lives hell. PLEASE NO...whatever...something for you all to think about!!!
This week's current event is once again involving the election. It is about how if McCain or Obama win, they will have a large influence on the Supreme Court. Four justices are bound to be replaced, and the next president will be that person to nominate them. If McCain were to win, he would prbably nominate a conservative and if Obama were to win, he would probably pick liberals. However, this is a theory. I hope that this theory is totally untrue, or just can't happen. However, I feel that whoever is elected, they will base their decisions on the character of the nominee and not on their party affilliation. But, this issue still scares me. I certainly do not want a biased court that is the highest in the nation. That is pretty much B.S.! Let's hope their is still good in this world and that checks and balances will see this through. Thank goodness for those dead people who wrote the constitution. They go at least one thing right. However, that doesn't get rid of the fact that it is possible. Who knows, maybe as soon as one of the candidates wins the election, theyll grow a tail and some horns and make our lives hell. PLEASE NO...whatever...something for you all to think about!!!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
2008 Election Project- Week #4
Presidential Polls
The first poll that I looked at was from
Nat'l Polls
As seen, the majority of the population are leaning towards obama (top percentage). However, in West Vriginia, McCain is winning by 2%. This is because WV is a mostly argrarian state and not very urban. Many guns are owned in that state, many people are farmers in that state, and many people are concervative on social issues in that state.
This second poll is got from
In this poll, Obama is winning everything except for Ohio. In New York, Obama has a very large gap between his opponent. This is beause northern states tend to be more liberal, and because New York is very liberal with its very dense population in places such as NYC. Ohio, a key state, is tied because both have used many resources to campaign in that state. At the moment, VA is leaning towards Obama, but only by a few points. There is a high chance that VA will be voting democratic in the election this year!!
Senate Polls
This poll I got from (Gilmore is top percentage)
This poll has Warner destroying gilmore. I believe that this is happening because people do not trust gilmore and trust warner. I must say that I trust warner more. From what I have read, gilmore does not seem like the key person for this state. Senate is important, and we do not want to waste our votes on a person like gilmore who seems very slimy and knieving!!
This poll was taken from this link,Gilmore&phone=&ivr=&internet=&mail=&smoothing=&from_date=&to_date=&min_pct=&max_pct=&grid=&points=&trends=&lines==
It has warner beating gilmore. The trend lines are separating, having gilmore falling and warner rising. As I said before, I think people don't trust gilmore from his beliefs and statements.
Other Stuff
Polling is a HUGE part in the election. It allows people to see what different citizens of the nation are thinking and wanting. In an election, is could possibly pursuade votes for the independent mass. It can also prematurely decide a "winner" and create an upset if the predicted winner does not win. Polls have been around for many years and stay around because people like to know what others think, it's human nature. We have been learning about polls in goernment and have found out that they are really accurate. The gallup poll that was started in the 1930s was known for being very accurate. This acurracy has made it a very prestige poll and has always been very reliable.
K...the boring thing is
Current Event #4
This week's current event was on the fact that Obama is double digits aead in the polls. It also mentioned that, for independents, they are pursuaded to vote for Obama. They are leaning to the liberal side because they are not happy with the nation and that another Republican will just make it worse. Bush wasn't the worst president ever, people. I don't think so. Anyways...I am pretty happy about this fact. However, there is a thoery going around about people who are not sincere about their polls answers. There's a theory that white people say that they will vote for Obama as to not seem racist but that when they get to the polls, they may actually change their vote to McCain or one of he third party candidates. I, to a certain extent, believe that this theory may be true. There is still racism and especially racism that a person will not come out with it, but will do the little things to satisfy their hate for another race.
After those debates last night, the polls may have changed. It was said that Obama won the debate, but that may not have been the case. Both were strong at certain points. The polls could def change as a result of last night. When they talked to the independent voters after the debate, they were still not influenced...uh oh...!!!
This week's current event was on the fact that Obama is double digits aead in the polls. It also mentioned that, for independents, they are pursuaded to vote for Obama. They are leaning to the liberal side because they are not happy with the nation and that another Republican will just make it worse. Bush wasn't the worst president ever, people. I don't think so. Anyways...I am pretty happy about this fact. However, there is a thoery going around about people who are not sincere about their polls answers. There's a theory that white people say that they will vote for Obama as to not seem racist but that when they get to the polls, they may actually change their vote to McCain or one of he third party candidates. I, to a certain extent, believe that this theory may be true. There is still racism and especially racism that a person will not come out with it, but will do the little things to satisfy their hate for another race.
After those debates last night, the polls may have changed. It was said that Obama won the debate, but that may not have been the case. Both were strong at certain points. The polls could def change as a result of last night. When they talked to the independent voters after the debate, they were still not influenced...uh oh...!!!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
2008 Election Project- Week #3
Alright...I choose the senate race...
Who's running?: Mark Warner and Jim Gilmore!
Mark Warner:
Who's running?: Mark Warner and Jim Gilmore!
Mark Warner:
- Democrat
- Old Virginia Governor (69th) (2002-2006)
- In 2006, expected to pursue the Democratic nomination in the 2008 predidential election candidancy
- Keynote Speaker at the 2008 DNC
- Warner could not run for a consecutive term because the Virginia constitution does not allow it
- Presbyteria
- Born: December 15, 1954
Jim Gilmore:

- Republican
- Governor Before Mark Warner (68th) (1998-2002)
- Campaigned for Presidential election until July 2007
- Served as Attorney General for Virginia from 1994 to 1998
- Established a 24-Hour waiting period for women seeking abortions
- Signed bill to bann human cloning
- Methodist
- Born: October 6, 1949
Top Issues for Virginia Senate Race:
- Alternative Energy
- Taxes
- Failing Economy
- Cooperation in Congress
Recent Polls:
Recent polls show that Warner is leading Gilmore 60% to 34%
Polls from 2007 have had Warner leading Gilmore by double digits
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Current Event #3
My current event was found in this sunday's Washinton Post. It was named 'Palin Seizes On Obama's Ayers Ties'. It mentioned Palin's absurd statement that Obama wants the U.S. to dance with terrorism. First off, PALIN GO DIE. Second, Palin needs to find something else to do. Third, Palin needs to learn how to do an interview before she starts attacking anyone. And lastly, Palin needs to die. I am sick of her. She accuses Obama of being a radical beacuse he affiliates with someone who is known as a kind of radical. That is B.S. ma'am. You are insane and need to go crawl in that hole you came from. Go play the flute better. Just because someon hangs out or is affiliated with another person does not mean that they are exactly like that person or believes in the same things. Umm...I hang out with Catholics and Mormons, but I don't practice Catholicism or Mormonism. I also hang out with girls, but that doesn't mean I try to be one. Palin needs to go do another Currick interview. That's right Palin, go talk about that umbrella of yours. She needs to really focus more on trying to get McCain into the white house/running for office instead of mudslinging information that is bogus. I hate her even more. I feel bad for McCain because he is now running with her. Why did he do such a terrible thing by choosing her?...what have you done?...WHY? Anyways, in conclusion...Palin is dumb; Obama rocks; people are not like the people they are affiliated with; and focus on the things that really matter instead of trying to make yourself feel better about yourself! K?
My current event was found in this sunday's Washinton Post. It was named 'Palin Seizes On Obama's Ayers Ties'. It mentioned Palin's absurd statement that Obama wants the U.S. to dance with terrorism. First off, PALIN GO DIE. Second, Palin needs to find something else to do. Third, Palin needs to learn how to do an interview before she starts attacking anyone. And lastly, Palin needs to die. I am sick of her. She accuses Obama of being a radical beacuse he affiliates with someone who is known as a kind of radical. That is B.S. ma'am. You are insane and need to go crawl in that hole you came from. Go play the flute better. Just because someon hangs out or is affiliated with another person does not mean that they are exactly like that person or believes in the same things. Umm...I hang out with Catholics and Mormons, but I don't practice Catholicism or Mormonism. I also hang out with girls, but that doesn't mean I try to be one. Palin needs to go do another Currick interview. That's right Palin, go talk about that umbrella of yours. She needs to really focus more on trying to get McCain into the white house/running for office instead of mudslinging information that is bogus. I hate her even more. I feel bad for McCain because he is now running with her. Why did he do such a terrible thing by choosing her?...what have you done?...WHY? Anyways, in conclusion...Palin is dumb; Obama rocks; people are not like the people they are affiliated with; and focus on the things that really matter instead of trying to make yourself feel better about yourself! K?
Friday, October 3, 2008
Community Service Project #2
What a day it was yesterday. Well...this time I went with Carrie, Maggie, and Sarah and it was def a better time. We were in a neighborhood that we were familiar with and the weather was perfect. However, the people were not so perfect. We went door to door again and I think I was the only one to love it. The people were not as warming as the people were the first time I went to volunteer. That surprised me. We had more people refuse to talk to us than we did the first time. I don't understand the public anymore. What the heck, man. How bizarre! Anyways...we came across many Obama supporters and a handfull of McCain supporters. There was one house on our list that we were ready to go to...until we saw that they had two McCain signs in their yard. Instead of going to their door, Carrie def just put an Obama flyer on one of the 7 million cars in the driveway. It was kinda funny because we saw our old band director. That made the night totally worth it. Sure we were able to go to my house for a pit stop, but seeing Mr. Bergman was AWESOME!!!...I miss him. But that is beside the point!...Anyways, wait back to Mr. Bergman...he told us to look up Palin plying the flute for Miss Alaska...and WHOA...she SUCKED...she wasn't even elementary school worthy. SHE needs to find a new talent...o wait...she's trying politics. She needs to go back to playing the flute or tring to be miss alaska. Anyways...we never finished our route...and we were bummed. But we are DEF gonna finish at least one in our volunteering careers. Yet, the night was kinda stressful. The neighborhood was not as lit up as the one that we did on the other side of the world the other time. And continuing was still a good night and I kinda want to try the phones now...but they will most likely be all filled up. I hate those lazy people that choose the phones over going door to door. WTF!!!...whatever...they can just what if you are in a wheelchair...GO DOOR TO DOOR...jk...i'm not that mean...or am I?...i'll let you decide that...haha...
What a day it was yesterday. Well...this time I went with Carrie, Maggie, and Sarah and it was def a better time. We were in a neighborhood that we were familiar with and the weather was perfect. However, the people were not so perfect. We went door to door again and I think I was the only one to love it. The people were not as warming as the people were the first time I went to volunteer. That surprised me. We had more people refuse to talk to us than we did the first time. I don't understand the public anymore. What the heck, man. How bizarre! Anyways...we came across many Obama supporters and a handfull of McCain supporters. There was one house on our list that we were ready to go to...until we saw that they had two McCain signs in their yard. Instead of going to their door, Carrie def just put an Obama flyer on one of the 7 million cars in the driveway. It was kinda funny because we saw our old band director. That made the night totally worth it. Sure we were able to go to my house for a pit stop, but seeing Mr. Bergman was AWESOME!!!...I miss him. But that is beside the point!...Anyways, wait back to Mr. Bergman...he told us to look up Palin plying the flute for Miss Alaska...and WHOA...she SUCKED...she wasn't even elementary school worthy. SHE needs to find a new talent...o wait...she's trying politics. She needs to go back to playing the flute or tring to be miss alaska. Anyways...we never finished our route...and we were bummed. But we are DEF gonna finish at least one in our volunteering careers. Yet, the night was kinda stressful. The neighborhood was not as lit up as the one that we did on the other side of the world the other time. And continuing was still a good night and I kinda want to try the phones now...but they will most likely be all filled up. I hate those lazy people that choose the phones over going door to door. WTF!!!...whatever...they can just what if you are in a wheelchair...GO DOOR TO DOOR...jk...i'm not that mean...or am I?...i'll let you decide that...haha...
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