Here's the D.L. for my beliefs with this things that throws the nation into mass hysteria, the presidential election...
I would def say that I am for Obama. I really don't think that that decision will ever change. I believe in:
- Stronger gun laws- sure we have the right to protect ourselves, but most crimes are done with GUNS. I feel that if an 18 year old can get a shotgun, all of us might as well shoot ourselves right now. I am going to say that if an 18 year old is willing to cut themselves or even give their body to drugs, what is stopping them from killing everyone they hate. I mean, we're/they're teens, we are a little hormonal loopy!...Get a bat if you want to portect yourself...OH...A CROSSBOW...those work wonders!...anyways...there are some stupid parents that leave their guns out for their 4 years olds to play 'star wars' with!...what is stopping them from killing themselves?...there have been MANY cases of that happening and it seriously needs to stop!
- I am for same sex marriage. Look, they are born that's their life...leave them alone! God loves EVERY one of his children, and the gays aren't excluded from that. What, so the mentally challenged are still in his good graces while the homosexuals are stuck in a rut? I don't think so. That's not how god works. So let them express their love by doing the highest possible thing they could. You don't have to live their life, so stop trying to control it. "With liberty and justice for all"!!!
- I am, without a doubt, pro-choice. We do NOT need any other kids in the foster system of the nation. If a woman wants to get rid of her child that she doesn't know, so be it. Let her. What if it is a high school mother and high school father?...I'm sorry, but I don't want to be taking care of a child while I am trying to go to prom. I am not shoing up at that dance with a baby sling on my chest, thank you. Stop birthing children that are going to end up with a TERRIBLE life, because they were born to parents who were too young, or do not have any money whatsoever.
At this point, I can not STAND Palin. Go back to Alaska you witch. No thanks, I do NOT want to go to war with Russia over freakin' Georgia. FOR all we know, she may think that RUssia invaded the state of Georgia. Also, before you go on running for V.P., please get you family straight. I'm sorry, you just had a baby. Last time I checked, it is MUY IMPORTANTE that a new born child sees BOTH its parents. How are you going to handle that when you are touring the nation?, that is going to be one CORRUPTED kid. Imagine being 8 years old with a mother who is the V.P. of one of the world superpowers, and having that be the only thing you know. I don't know about you, but that SUCKS (just like the steelers)!!!...Put Palin back in her cage in Alaska and bring forth Obama and Biden...I don't care that Obama does not many years of experience. Umm...Kennedy didn't have many years of experience, but he wasn't that bad (from what I hear)...O yea...another thing about Palin...she doesn't want to teach about sex in'am...THAT'S WHY YOUR DAUGHTER IS PREGNANT AT 17...GEEZE, I absolutely HATE her...McCain just had to pull the woman card because Obama had the racial card...WTF MATE?...
Obama views vs. McCain Views
Obama want to get rid of the 'No Child Left Behind' (good)- McCain want to keep it (bad)
- Enough with this stupid thing that gets rid of money. Thos whole system is stupid. 'Let's punish schools with bad performance'...NO...then their standards drop...last time I checked...THAT'S NOT GOOD!!!
Obama want to find better forms of energy (good) and so does McCain (good)
- I agree with both...but...I still am leaning towards Obama...!!!
It's about time I wrap this PEACE!!!
Wow...this was good to hear. i think Obama should be the president too. however some of your point of views i gisagree with. such as Same sex marriage. just to clear it why it is hated by normal people. this is because this problem is not new its been there to long time....and if you put it on a time line, you'll pass the AD to BC. And from the beginning normal people/ stright human have been against them and persicution have delth the problem in past. Even today, countries that are not so modern, apposes this practice. i mean if your a normal person you should be able to understand this with no other thoughts in your mind. Also not every one is born gay, today the stupid science has given people normal or people who are born differently to cahnge there sex. if thinking about it a step ahead, how do u think GOD will feel. beucase you are challenging GOD creation. As far as i can think, i think its a Sin to do such thing to human body. you should Be grateful for who u are and what your role is, either be a mother or father or die single.
Wow Tyler you really put all your feelings into your blog! I've already told two people this, that I stated I'm more Republican, but as I continue to listen to the news, read newspapers, and read blogs such as yours that put your true feelings out, I tend to go once again right back in the middle. I agree with your views on Pro-Choice and gun conrol. I thought yess to McCain, but Obama is still there in my mind. Who will it be?!
P.S. I love Tyler!
Tyler, you are amazing! I love your comments on both abortion and gay marriage. I personally know a gay couple and I think it is entirely unfair that they don't have that option. For abortion, I believe that it is a necessary evil. If someone doesn't want to have a baby they should be careful and use protection, but if they don't they should not be forced to keep a baby that they do not want and can't care for. Also your comments on Sarah Palin are amazing. I personally think it is VERY nice of Obama's campaign to leave her family out of the spotlight because soo much could be said. I mean, she just is not in a good position to be running. What bothers me even more is how much people like her. How stupid must our nation be if they come out in the thousands to hear that woman talk? It is unbelievable! Love you Tyler and love your blog!!
Tyler, I completely agree with all of your liberal beliefs. I'm definitely for same sex marraige, pro-choice, and stricter gun laws!!! I also agree with you that Sarah Palin is kind of wack and isn't suitable to be our next vice president.. Yeah the fact that she has a pregnant teenager and a baby isn't going to work out when she's trying to assist the president in running our country!!!!
Awesome blog Tyler!!!
I'm not even in Stroudie's but this needs to be said.
Ok, Ahsan, 'normal'? Who are you to say what is normal or not? I'm sorry, do you have some supernatural power to know what is right and what is wrong? You can subscribe to your own beliefs, I don't care, but don't try and pretend that you know what's right. You BELIEVE- do you even know the definition of that word?
Secondly, marriage isn't even about religion. Atheists can get married, as can Buddhists, etcetc. ANY FAITH can get married. We don't rely on priests- that's why they have the position of Justice of the Peace. Get your facts straight.
Also, I find it hilarious that you call science 'stupid.' What the heck? That's a little contradicting.
You can believe what you want. Don't tell other people how to live.
All right Tyler love you. Just creeping up as usual. You know the deal.
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