Should people who commit domestic violence still be allowed to keep their hanguns? Apparently Maryland is starting to think twice about their policy on this issue. This state is trying to pass legislation that will automatically take away any firearm that a person who has committed any type of domestic violence. According to statistics, a majority of deaths from domestic violence are a result from a gun. California, North Carolina, and Virginia have this type of legislation or one similar to it. The author of this week's article realy put no bias to this legislation. However, I feel he/she feels that it is necessary.
I feel that this legislation is needed. I an more of a pro-gun control person. Sure, this domestic violence problem can still continue with other weapons, but it is probably unlikely. There is really no fighting against the statistics and facts of domestic violence. People who are charged with this crime have a high chance of doing it again and with a gun. After a death of a family on Thanksgiving a few years ago, this legislation got a push. A man ended up killing his wife, three children, and himself. If this legislation were to stop things like this from happening, then I say go at it 100%. However, there are still those people who bring the 2nd amendment into play with this issue. But seriously, its either taking away guns or taking people out of houses in body bags. Anyone who does not agree with this legislation based on the 2nd amendment really make me angry. GET OVER IT! It is 2009 and this amendment is not really relevant when it comes to these issues. The purpose of the government is to protect its citizens. I highly doubt that any legislature would deny passing this bill since it will def protect many citizens.
my thoughts...
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
Current Event Editorial #1
This week, we have a doozey. I found this editorial on the washington post website and it talked about teachers, and their salaries. It mention Anne Arundel county and how they posted their search for teachers on Route 50. However, it mentioned the fact that it was a bad billboard for the money that they paid. It said something along the lines of helping to teach the future. However, the many things that counties fail to mention, are the decen benefits that teachers recieve. They do not mention the possible wages that teachers COULD make if they were to actually apply and work for a while. After a while, the partonage adds up and is shown in the salary that the teachers get. The article brings up a god point. With teaching, there will be no impact from he receeding economy. Teachers are always in demand. Learning is not going to halt, so teachers are in good hands. The teaching profession is apparently in high demand in many places.
The author brings about a good point. If they were to just advertise the possibilities that can come with teaching, that wil recuit more teachers. I never knew that teachers got such good benefits. I would've known if SOMEONE would've advertised it. WTF? Let's get this show on the is kind of sad because the teacher force would be much larger if only they mentioned what the pssibilities were. But teachers also need better salaries...I mean come one...alright...i'm done...
The author brings about a good point. If they were to just advertise the possibilities that can come with teaching, that wil recuit more teachers. I never knew that teachers got such good benefits. I would've known if SOMEONE would've advertised it. WTF? Let's get this show on the is kind of sad because the teacher force would be much larger if only they mentioned what the pssibilities were. But teachers also need better salaries...I mean come one...alright...i'm done...
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