Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Current Event #2

Alright...I am going to write on the same issue that I typed for Mr. Stroud.

The article I read mentioned the reason why McCain was postponing the debate and that Obama said there was no need to do what McCain did. Obama said that the next president would have to fix the financial crisis anyway, so why work on it now? McCain (if you hadn't guessed already) postponed his debate with Obama so that he could go to washington and help with the financial crisis. Was he trying to be honorable in the view of he american public? Sir, you have done enough...however, being tortured in the vietnamese war does not qualify you for president (that may have been harsh). There are pros nd cons towards both candidates with this issue/article. First, I wonder why Obama was not as worried about this issue enough to go to D.C., whereas McCain stopped his whole campaign. That kinda worries me that Obama may have his priorities not in a correct order. But then, there is the fact that McCain stopped his whold campaign. This maks me question McCain's dedication to this race and makes me wonder how much he realy wants this. I guess since he has been trying to become a nominee for the past 3 (from what I know) elections, he may be kinda worn out. However, he seems a little iffy to me with his real reason for this campaign. The plus for Obama is that he was so focused as to ignore the fact that McCain was kinda showing him up in front of the nation. Obama made himself seem like a real determined candidate and real positive person to put in thw white house. However, the fact that McCain did this whole campaign stop, makes me see him as very noble. He decided to put aside his personal campaign to fix this nation, just as a senator. That takes guts I must say. I still don't agree with his views, but that doesn't mean that I don't like him as a person. He seems to be a very honest man. However, Palin I can flat out say that she is retarded and should go die. I can't stand her whatsoever. "I CAN SEE RUSSIA FROM MY HOUSE!"...


Saturday, September 27, 2008

2008 Election Project- Week #2

Alright...this post may b boring because it has a template as laid down by my history teacher...

The most important issue(s) to me in this election is the economy. Our economy is having trouble and I am going to be entering the workforce on a high caliber in the next few years. This scares me, so I want a president that will allow me to have faith when entering the rest of my life. Obama is def the person that eases my worries. Tax decrease for 95% of Americans?...psshhht...where do I sign? The state issue that I am concerned about is also a national issue. I feel that gun control is key to safety...and this issue has been a problem for many years. It is about time that we stop talking about it a start actually doing something that will actually help out the nation/state/county. It's kind of annoying how they are having trouble settling on the issue. Time is wasting, people are dieing, and I am getting nervous (yes that is an important deal). There is another issue, same sex marriage...but I haven't really heard anything about any of those issues fro any of the candidates and I had no success in finding it on their websites.

There was a debate last night. I was very bored to tears. For the youth, debates suck...especially for the poor 8th graders who have to watch them for civics. That sucked. All they talked about was energy, the economy, wars. Those interest me, but not to the point where they have to make an hour debate out of it. Just please say your view, my attention span is only so long. From what I heard/watched, Obama go it right. This actually may be biased...but o well. McCain was always attacking him so that the attention would go away from him. Obama was doing a great job at deflecting those attacts by the sweaty, weird, nervous McCain. However, one thing that caight my attention was that McCain would accuse Obama for doing something and Obama would deny it. Umm...excuse me sir...who's right?...who is telling the truth?...who can I trust? To be honest, I feel that Obama was lieing and that McCain was making accurate accusations. That hurts Obama in my eyes, but I can't jump to conclusions. Maybe McCain got the info messed up, or misconstrewed the situation. If that is the case, he has some firing to do! Well...that was really the only thing that caught my immediate attention. There was more stuff about wars, the economy (I like Obama's idea for the economy), and the world economy. HOWEVER...keep in mind that the economy is not the result of the current president but the few presidents before him/her (thanks Mr. Stroud). THAT is a key thing to remember when we accuse Bush of things that he probably had no control over. These things tha are established do not have immediate effects on the country. People look over that, whih sucks. Anyways...that's it...I may have to revise this post as a result of the few debates that are still to come...

O YEA...I also have to say how the media takes place in this election...and...well...they do a LOT...they are able to get info to the public very fast and are one of the reasons why people choose the candidate they do. A majority of the media ia biased and that helps to suade people to a certain candidate. K thanks...


Friday, September 26, 2008

Community Service Project #1

So...last night was a CRAZY night...Carrie, Maggie, and I went out to help the campaign for Obama. WHAT A NIGHT!!!...well first off we went to the Herndon/Reston Democrat location and we met our helper person named Caitlin. She was nice and was very, very dedicated. She was actually really tight because she was young and made us (wel at least me) feel better abou being there. I dunno if you know...but there were WAY too many old people there, and that scared me. So when we go there at 6 pm, we signed in and got to work. Well, actually, we were allowed to choose what we wanted to do for 3 hours (9 pm). There was the choice of a) calling voters on the phones and b) walking door-to-door and getting the info of registered voters. Well...I don't know about you but I was NOT about to talk to people on the freakin' phone for 3 hours. That would be very boring, awkward, and very much self-demoting. I do NOT get any respect on the phone with these types of things. However, I really don't return the favor of respect when people call my house about different candidates (then again, all of them are automated). So we chose to go door-to-door...IN THE RAIN. THIS is where it ALL begins. So not only were we on a time schedule, but it was raining and we had NO clue where we were going. We def got lost for an hour. Maggie freaked, Carrie freaked, and I freaked. Let me tell you, I have NEVER made so many U-turns in my life. This was an adventure. Let's just say that rain, misdirection, teenagers, and night, do NOT mix very well. We were supposed to go on Fairfax County Parkway. We did that, but IN THE WRONG DIRECTION...that is what drove us off the sane end. At this point, Maggie was stressed, Carrie was sticking flyers out teh car window, and I was very hot in my jacket. Finally, after a freakin' hour of turning around, we found the road...after Carrie screamed her guts out and Maggie and I freaked out, we drove passed it. "Uh oh". We did a U-turn and then did another because there was no break in the median (this is in the Chantilly area, btw). We then got to our neighborhood destination. A freakin' hour to find Old Plain Road...what the heck. So thank god things got a little better now that we were out of the car and had space to breathe. The first house did not answer, the next one was the wrong one, but the FINALLY, we got to a nice man's house who was in fact a democrat. He was our saint since we had had no luck WHATSOEVER. Anyways...the whole place was getting very eerie, for it was raining and very dark. BTW...those houses were SO WEIRD...first off the doors were on the freakin' side of the house and these houses were SO close together. I will never be living on top of my neighbor like these people were. ANYWAYS...we had a good bit of success. Hit a few dead houses, but we felt good, until we realized that we did not finish the first of two routes and it was time to go. We told caitlin the truth, but she was very fine with it (at one point in the night, she called carrie and said that she was worried about us because it was dark, raining, and we are only 17). We were ALL very happy that caitlin was very lenient. Next time we'll def know what to do. I hate talking on phones, and now I hate frogs/toads (there were a LOT of them last night (carrie killed one- not really, but she was close)). Last night was fun, yet very stressful. Whatever, we are GOiNG BACK BABY...and we are going to be better at everything. So there you go...the first 3 hours of our service project for government. WHOOO...what a great first day (not)...!!!


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Current Event #1


I have read an interesting/scary article in the Washington Post about Obama and his effort to win Florida. This year, since Florida is a 'toss-up' state, Obama is pumping $39 million to make sure he wins Florida. This article talked about how the northern Floridians are more of McCain followers whereas, the more non-white, southern Floridians are for Obama. Let's face it, McCain is hurting because he really hasn't done anything to get Florida. That makes me feel like he doesn't care. Instead of going for Ohio, like Kerry did in 2004, Obama decided to try a different route, and McCain hasn' really been on a route. Whatever...let's see what happens!!!


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

2008 Election Project- Week #1

Here's the D.L. for my beliefs with this things that throws the nation into mass hysteria, the presidential election...

I would def say that I am for Obama. I really don't think that that decision will ever change. I believe in:
  • Stronger gun laws- sure we have the right to protect ourselves, but most crimes are done with GUNS. I feel that if an 18 year old can get a shotgun, all of us might as well shoot ourselves right now. I am going to say that if an 18 year old is willing to cut themselves or even give their body to drugs, what is stopping them from killing everyone they hate. I mean, we're/they're teens, we are a little hormonal loopy!...Get a bat if you want to portect yourself...OH...A CROSSBOW...those work wonders!...anyways...there are some stupid parents that leave their guns out for their 4 years olds to play 'star wars' with!...what is stopping them from killing themselves?...there have been MANY cases of that happening and it seriously needs to stop!
  • I am for same sex marriage. Look, they are born that way...it's their life...leave them alone! God loves EVERY one of his children, and the gays aren't excluded from that. What, so the mentally challenged are still in his good graces while the homosexuals are stuck in a rut? I don't think so. That's not how god works. So let them express their love by doing the highest possible thing they could. You don't have to live their life, so stop trying to control it. "With liberty and justice for all"!!!
  • I am, without a doubt, pro-choice. We do NOT need any other kids in the foster system of the nation. If a woman wants to get rid of her child that she doesn't know, so be it. Let her. What if it is a high school mother and high school father?...I'm sorry, but I don't want to be taking care of a child while I am trying to go to prom. I am not shoing up at that dance with a baby sling on my chest, thank you. Stop birthing children that are going to end up with a TERRIBLE life, because they were born to parents who were too young, or do not have any money whatsoever.

At this point, I can not STAND Palin. Go back to Alaska you witch. No thanks, I do NOT want to go to war with Russia over freakin' Georgia. FOR all we know, she may think that RUssia invaded the state of Georgia. Also, before you go on running for V.P., please get you family straight. I'm sorry, you just had a baby. Last time I checked, it is MUY IMPORTANTE that a new born child sees BOTH its parents. How are you going to handle that when you are touring the nation?...plus, that is going to be one CORRUPTED kid. Imagine being 8 years old with a mother who is the V.P. of one of the world superpowers, and having that be the only thing you know. I don't know about you, but that SUCKS (just like the steelers)!!!...Put Palin back in her cage in Alaska and bring forth Obama and Biden...I don't care that Obama does not many years of experience. Umm...Kennedy didn't have many years of experience, but he wasn't that bad (from what I hear)...O yea...another thing about Palin...she doesn't want to teach about sex in schools...umm...ma'am...THAT'S WHY YOUR DAUGHTER IS PREGNANT AT 17...GEEZE, I absolutely HATE her...McCain just had to pull the woman card because Obama had the racial card...WTF MATE?...

Obama views vs. McCain Views


Obama want to get rid of the 'No Child Left Behind' (good)- McCain want to keep it (bad)

  • Enough with this stupid thing that gets rid of money. Thos whole system is stupid. 'Let's punish schools with bad performance'...NO...then their standards drop...last time I checked...THAT'S NOT GOOD!!!


Obama want to find better forms of energy (good) and so does McCain (good)

  • I agree with both...but...I still am leaning towards Obama...!!!

It's about time I wrap this up...so PEACE!!!